Ground Penetrating Radar


What is GPR?

We also offer Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) services. These services are great for plastic conduit that may be empty or have non-metallic items in them. It is also used to find pipes and drains that have no direct access point for us to directly connect to. GPR is not a full proof service as many people think. GPR picks up all voids in the soil. Therefore it will pick up rocks, tree roots and other items buried. It takes patience and a trained eye to really understand a GPR device.

When is it used?

GPR can be especially helpful in locating underground tanks (septic, oil, grease traps), PVC sewer & drain pipes, plastic irrigation systems and other non-metallic items. GPR is used when the traditional electromagnetic locating tools are unable to detect underground utilities or metallic items.

If you are not digging and need a non-metallic item(s) located, you can skip the Dig Safe ticket and give us a call directly.

If you are planning to dig, you will need to request a Dig Safe ticket (more info here) separately, as well as request GPR services to locate any non-metallic items. Although we contract with many local utility companies and might be the ones to show up for your Dig Safe ticket, our technicians do not carry GPR equipment and you would need to schedule a separate visit. It’s rare that small, home DIY projects require GPR locating as most can be done through traditional methods. GPR is not a fool-proof method. The rocky, tree-dense terrain in New England can cause frequent interference with GPR readings.

What’s next?

Once you’ve scheduled a time with us we will send one of our trained technicians out to locate. You do not need to be home during our visit unless to give access to the property. Our technician will mark what they find with paint and/or flags in corresponding colors. If needed, we can provide a written report of findings.